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Sports Scholarship in the United States

Atualizado: 25 de ago. de 2020

The first question that comes into the minds of young people and parents is "Will my child receive any salary to play for an American university?"

Before answering this question, one must understand some key points of the American system. Unlike the rest of the world, the United States focuses heavily on the education system and the opportunities that come to graduate you. With the price of universities around the country costs can reach 50 thousand reais or more, depending on the university, which can be a considerably high value for Brazilians to pay only for a year or semester of college.

garota no campus da universidade

Therefore, the alternative for people to have access to these universities is through academic and sports scholarships, which brings us back to the question at the beginning of this post. When you get an opportunity to receive a scholarship to universities, the money you would receive goes straight into college expenses and housing on campus. That is, you could study at a college of 50 thousand reais at no cost, or a lower cost than that with the scholarship, and having the opportunity to play at a high sporting level, and after four years or less graduate with a degree. In some cases the athlete can receive a scholarship that provides more money than needed to cover academic costs. With the extra money, you are free to do with it as you want.

atleta no campo da faculdade americana

This system is unique in the world because it has very competitive sports leagues. Instead of having youth and junior championships as in Brazil, athletes go to universities in the vast majority, and are chosen by the university leagues for professionals or to play summer leagues (as if it were a copinha), where they can be seen by scouts or colleges and coaches.

Is this a viable path for Brazilian athletes? Yes !!!!

For the vast majority of players in Brazil, this path would be feasible and a tempting option because of the huge competition in Brazil to become a professional player. When an athlete attends a university in Brazil, due to numerous factors, such as schedules and trips and also for the financial cost, they cannot accomplish both sports and a degree. Especially since most of the average sized and small clubs in Brazil only pay minimum wage. In the United States the competitions are long as well as the training, but the colleges give permission to miss class to the athletes during competition times. Also, advisors help to adjust the class schedules of the athletes so that they can be present in the classrooms as much as possible. If the athlete manages to stand out academically he can receive more money with an academic scholarship in addition to his sports scholarship.

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