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USA is ranked the #1 country in receiving international students.

There’s no denying that the United States is a country of growth and opportunity. This is why most students from around the world choose it as their place of study. For the academic year 2018-2019*, the U.S. reached a record high of 1,095,299 international students attending universities.

The top 10 countries of origin of international students in the US were China, India, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Brazil, and Mexico. The number of Brazilian students in the US has risen by 9.8% as compared to previous years. Brazils percentage is the second largest percentage increase for the academic year. Study’s have shown that the top 5 receiving states for Brazilians are Florida, California, New York, Massachusetts, and Texas.

It is obvious, in recent news, that the US has its short comings. With all that is happening, one cannot help but ask why? Why is the United States the #1 host country for international students? While socially and politically, things need to be sorted within the country, there are no questions in the quality of education.

One of the many reasons students choose to attend school in the US is the reputation of the higher education programs. The US is home to 25 of the worlds top 50 universities. Even if you don’t live on campus, the universities campus life is quite engaging. There is always something going on for student life on campus especially for internationals, while entertaining, this also helps to ease culture shock. For some international students, American culture can be very overwhelming. Attending Universities in the United States helps to slowly ease you in to the culture, thus making a far more enjoyable experience while earning your degree.

All in all, the USA is the #1 host country for international students for its high quality and levels of education, inclusivity, and engaging campus life among its universities. It is not impossible for you to find a little piece of your home in the US.

*Numbers from the academic year 2019-2020 is not included due to the beginning of the pandemic early in 2020, thus the numbers may not be accurate.

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