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What Does Attending Universities During a Pandemic Look Like For International Students?

Atualizado: 25 de ago. de 2020

At the beginning of 2020, no one could have predicted what would await the world so shortly into the new year. What was once a normal routine, changed drastically to try and control a highly spreadable disease. Now that summer break is coming to an end in the United States, there is one major question that everyone faces. Do students return to school? Not only is this question important for the American students, but what about the internationals?

Previously, the Trump Administration announced that no international student would be allowed to enter or stay in the U.S. if their academic courses were 100% online. If the student remained in the United States, they could face immigration consequences, such as deportation. Thankfully, the order was rescinded, allowing international students to stay within the country for school.

Currently, there is a travel ban in place for the United States, yet students from Europe and the U.K. are exempt and are able to enter the country. Unfortunately, students from Brazil and China are not yet exempt, thus not allowed to enter the United States for the fall semester. University classes are beginning in about a month, so if you do not already have your visa, you will also be unable to enter the United States.

Students must pay close attention to their university’s evolving policies in regards to the pandemic guidelines and class procedures. Universities opening or remaining closed depends on the schools officials and if they feel they can continue classes safely. With the current reopening of some schools, Coronavirus cases are sure to increase. Continuing to socially distance yourself as much as possible (remain 6 feet away), wear a mask, wash your hands, and sanitizing your belongings could help you stay as healthy as possible.

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